Anti-horse carriage industry group slams de Blasio’s efforts to protect animals – New York Daily News

New York Daily News

Anti-horse carriage industry group slams de Blasio's efforts to protect animals
New York Daily News
Even NYCLASS isn't happy with the plan Mayor de Blasio is touting to curb the city's horse carriage industry. NYCLASS, which donated roughly $1 million to help elect de Blasio after he promised to kill the industry, said the City Council bill that de ...
Critics: De Blasio Horse Carriage Deal Is Political Favor, Will Cost Many JobsCBS Local
Horses yes, pedicabs no in heart of NYC's Central ParkRT
Opponents Bridle at New York City Horse Carriage ProposalWall Street Journal
Capital New York -The Dodo -ABC News
all 140 news articles »

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