Arizona Hay Report: November 09, 2018

Arizona Hay Report Here

The cost of Bermuda is rising to higher levels we haven’t seen in years. Now may be a good time to stock up before the winter season. Todays comment 09/17/2018

 California Regions  supply Arizona. USDA does not publish Hay prices for Arizona

 Wholesale at the Stack

Weekly Report: Friday November 09, 2018


Hay Quality standards as defined by:  The U. S. Dept of Agriculture

*Please note: Add the smell test to any hay you buy. If it doesn’t smell fresh, is dusty and doesn’t fit the descriptions  for Supreme, Premium or Good then be aware your horse may not be getting the nutrition she/he needs and you may be paying too much.*


Legumes refers to Alfalfa and others. Grass is Bermuda, Timothy, Orchard and more  

 USDA Hay Quality Standards

(May be used in conjunction with lab tests for Alfalfa Hay Quality categories)


1. Very early maturity, pre-bloom, soft, fine stems, extra leafy.

2. Factors are indicative of very high nutritive content.

3. Hay is excellent color and free of damage.


1 .Early maturity (i.e. pre-bloom in Legumes and pre-head in the Grass hays),

2. Extra leafy, and fine stemmed–factors of a high nutritive content.

3. Hay is green and free of damage.


1. Early to average maturity (i.e. early to mid-bloom in Legumes and early head-in Grass hays) 

2.Leafy, fine to medium stemmed.

3. Free of damage other than slight discoloration.


Fair Quality Alfalfa

1. Late maturity (i.e. mid to late bloom in Legumes, head-in Grass hays)

2. Moderate or below leaf content.

3. Generally coarse stemmed  and hay may show light damage.


1. Hay in very late maturity (mature seed pods in Legumes and mature head –in Grass hay)

2. Coarse Stemmed.

3. Discounted Hay due to excessive damage, heavy weed content or mold.



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  1. edward says:

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